EON Delivers Interference Blanker for Embraer KC-390 Military Transport
The KC-390 Interference Blanker (BCU-102A-1), is a customized programmable system utilizing Eon Instrumentation’s twenty-year experience in blanking technology. Inputs accept a wide range of voltage levels and pulse frequency. Outputs are generated from a programmable blanking map of inputs to outputs. Bidirectional inputs/outputs are used to accommodate ARINC bus connections. Discrete inputs can dynamically enable or disable individual blanking inputs from the blanking map. The BCU-102A-1 is fully qualified to Environmental and EMI specifications DO-160, 461, 704, and 810.

“Eon customized this blanker for Embraer in record time. We look forward to continuing delivery and support for the KC-390 program. This competitive win further cements Eon’s position as the worldwide leader in Interference Blankers for major military platforms.”
— EON Chairman Dr. Jim Winchester