PCAB Blanker for the Aegis weapon system
PIBU-102 and Programming Station for less complex airborne applications
EON Instrumentation Interference Blanker Units
For over 20 years Eon has designed and developed a variety of Interference Blanking Units for airborne and shipborne applications (LRU’s that monitor platform RF transmitters and selectable blank receiver inputs from strong transmit pulses). Most of these LRU’s use analog programming methods such as potentiometers to configure the blanking map (when to turn on/off) for the host of transmitters/receivers. In 2014, Eon in concert with the US Navy, designed a digitally programmable unit that controls 96 transmit inputs and 32 receiver blanking signal outputs – far too many for conventional analog control. This unit, known as the PCAB, has become the standard Blanking Unit for the Aegis EW weapon system and is being installed on all 300+ Navy Surface Ships that have Aegis installed.
Eon has extended the programmable capability to all of its smaller Interference Blankers. The PIBU-102 is an example of an 18 input 18 output unit that is configured with a Programming Station. The PIBU-PS, is a rugged portable hand carried computer/display device that can be used in the laboratory or the flight line, to generate blanking maps. The PIBU-102 is currently installed on multiple fixed wing, helicopter and small ship upgrades.