EON FY23 Revenues increase 50% over FY22

EON FY23 Revenues increase 50% over FY22 Eon Corporation Eon Instrumentation Products ITS Products Analog and HD Video Systems Blanking Control Systems Rugged Power Systems Audio Amplifier Systems Space and Missile Systems Video Recorders Inserters Time Code Generators Special Projects Aerial Refuelling Amplifer Unit

Eon Instrumentaion, Inc. Since 1961

EON Continues record Bookings and Deliveries

EON Continues Record Bookings and Deliveries In July Eon has won new and follow-on contracts valued in excess of $2M and deliverable in 2023-2024. These are a result of our active new product development, new product acquisitions,  and past performance satisfying customer needs and expectations.  All product areas experienced growth and will accelerate Eon’s revenue…

EON Delivers 6 Channel Video Inserters to US Space Force

EON Delivers 6 Channel Video Inserters to US Space Force Eon sold five Rack Mountable 6 channel HD-SDI Video Insertion Generators(6055C-6H10011) capable of encoding HD-SDI Video with IRIG B Timing and metadata information into the video stream for engineering analyses.  Additional capabilities of this unit: can receive and reproduce HD-SDI Video up to 1080p/I 60hz;…


Eon Awarded 500K FAA Contract

 Eon Awarded 500K FAA Contract The FAA ordered 80 6125DE2 Receiver/Driver systems. The unit is a Universal Camera Control unit designed to control a Pan & Tilt mount and variety of video cameras, including visible light and Infrared. This contract is a follow-on to previous deliveries for FAA applications. 6125DE2

Eon Instrumentaion, Inc. Since 1961

EON Featured in NASA Spinoff Issue

EON Featured in NASA Spinoff Issue EON is proud to deliver the measured designed project of the DP-25 high-speed DisplayPort switcher that is being used in NASA’s X-59 experimental plane. The 2023 issue of Spinoff includes an article about how the DP-25 switcher works with the cameras that help the test pilot of the plane…