EON Announces Managed Ethernet Switch Product Family
As part of Eon’s Video Distribution Architecture a series of ethernet managed switch, video distribution and encoder units are now available. These products range from 8 port 10/100/1000 Mbps managed switches to switches that include NTSC splitters and encoders that convert NTSC to H.264/265 and MPEG2 formats for ethernet distribution. All units include redundant 16 to 40 vdc power inputs for failsafe operation. Like all other Eon products these units can be customized for different connectors, power inputs and video processing. All ethernet products are fully qualified to Environmental and EMI MilSpec DO-160, 461, 704, and 810.

Eon is pleased to offer these Ethernet products that join Antaira ethernet technology with Eon video distribution and encoder technology, providing the lowest price systems on the market. The ETN products are offered for Eon’s traditional military markets as well as transportation and homeland security applications.
— EON President and CEO Dr. Jim Winchester